Hyip is a very risky business where you can lose your money anytime. However, to make sure you will lose your money in a fast way with hyip, just follow these several tips. By implementing the tips outlined below, you will surely lose your money on this hyip sphere.
Never diversify your investment
Diversification is only suggested for loser investors. Never ever diversify your investments if you are playing in hyip business. Why put your eggs on many baskets if you can put all your eggs in one basket? This way if the hyip program you join in is fail you will for sure lose all of your money.
Always invest with any amount that you cannot afford to lose
Go borrow some big money to invest in hyip program. Dry your credit cards out over the limit will be a smart step for losing money. Why don’t you just use your food money and housing money as often as possible? If you have children, try not to give them their daily allowance. You can use that money to invest in hyip investment program.
Never do research before joining a Hyip program
You don’t need to waste your time doing proper research on a hyip program you want to join in. As you can see, all those HYIP programs pop out online are look very similar so it will make no different investing in one of them! No need wasting your valuable time on reading hyip forums, doing DD, ask questions to the hyip admin, looking at the hyip payout history. Right, don’t do those steps above - just invest your money!
Only invest in Super High Profit HYIP
Why invest on a low earning reliable hyip program if there are many hyip programs offer high profit such 200-300% daily. It’s your sure way for financial freedom. Let’s just count, 200% daily means, if you invest your $1000 housing money then compound it to grow the profits exponentially you will be a millionaire in no time.
Invest your money in an unknown HYIP program
HYIP programs are private investment by its nature, so it is always a wise decision to invest your money only in hyip that is unknown. It is hyip investment program that do not advertise at all, program that is not listed on any hyip monitors available. By not doing any proper advertisement, that hyip program can save those advertising money for the good of their investment program. Hey, those hyip monitors only eat money that actually can be used to pay their actual members right?
HYIP Admin is a trusted person
Whatever he says, you have to always trust the hyip admin. If he told you that you would be rich in one week, you better trust him! Give him your big $$$$ if he ask you that amount of money to make you rich. Never blame him if the admin says that the program will be closed because of some reasons. You can always show some encouragement to him. Hey, at least he has put his maximum effort and energy to maintain his program.
Invest in a Not Paying Hyip Program
This is the sure way to lose your money in hyip. Invest your money only in a hyip program that has ‘not paying’ status. Right, you don't need other tips above if you want to be a broken hyip investor. Labels: egold, hyip, hyip forum, hyip investment, investment, scam