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Advice on What Not to Do!

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After the failure of a few programs, and some scares in a few others, it has angered us greatly at the degree of ignorance some HYIP investors have. Recently many individuals have complained to E-Gold.com about certain programs, some which collapsed and some which had only glitches in their systems. Many ignorant HYIP investors often email E-Gold with complaints of scams, ponzi's, and fraudulent sites. What are these people thinking? They should know that any HYIP that they put their money into has a high risk of de-railing eventually.
Remember high Yield also means high risk. If you are going to gamble on any HYIP, you have to realize that not every one will last long enough to make you a profit. Another thing that angers me. Many HYIP's have small down times. Down times of 2-3 days are not uncommon due to server problems, script problems, etc. Many individuals feel it is appropriate to run off and call a program a scam, reporting it to e-gold, after only 2 or 3 days of it being offline.

This is not going to help you a bit. It will only cause E-gold to freeze the main account of the HYIP, which could cause the HYIP to close prematurely.

To sum things up. If you are going to take the risk of investing in an HYIP, then invest your money with the same mindset as if you were playing BlackJack in a casino. If you win, great! If you lose, oh well, it is money you can afford to play with. When a program closes, or has a downtime, quitely take your money and walk away. Complaining to E-Gold will not do anything except throw the whole HYIP market into a tailspin.

Source TalkGold.com

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