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HYIP Forums

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There are hundreds of forums related to HYIPs online. Some are sponsored by a particular program, while others are simply created from an outside source. While forums can often be a great way to learn about particular programs, historical HYIP events, and strategies to earn the maximum return on our investments, they can also be one sided. When browsing a forum you first must understand who is running the forum, and what relationship they have to any particular HYIPs. Forums can be bias, and not always tell the entire story. There are 2 main types of forums:

Program Led Forums:

These are forums which are created for one purpose which is to serve the group of individuals who are invested in one particular program. These forums are often extremely biased towards the admin of the program. You will likely never see people questioning the integrity or the honestly of the program being served. Why? Because the mods and admins will most likely delete anything that is showcasing their program in a negative light. These are the types of programs and forums in which you may see cult mentality in. Instead of viewing both the positive and negative aspects and possibilities of a program, the member base will only concentrate on the positive and quickly shoot down anyone who questions the programs honesty.

Outside Administered Forums:

These are forums which are led and owned by an outside source. The admins and mods of these forum are not there to boost the reputation of any particular program. They are there to make sure things run smoothly. There are conflicts of interests in these types of forums, especially when deals are made with particular program admins in order boost the reputation of their programs. There are probably close to a dozen or so of these Independant HYIP forums, however many of them start to become one sided as well. We recommend that you find a forum in which you as well as everyone else is allowed to post both postive and negative comments about any program that is running. Talkgold.com is an example of this type of forum. Even though Talkgold may get a bad reputation for being "full of doom and gloom individuals," the fact of the matter is that it is one of the only places where everyones opinions and thoughts are taken into consideration without extreme moderation. It is important for us investors to get opinions from eveyopne in the arena no matter if they are postive, negative, or neutral.

All in all, we recommend that you understand the type of forum you are involved in. Try to figure out what types of conflicts the admin of the program may have with certain programs, as well as if they are pushing any particular HYIP. Even though you may feel like certain forums (ie Talkgold.com) are a mess, with too much argueing, realize that opinions from different types of people (althought they may conflict with one another) is a good thing when trying to pick out the right HYIP to invest in.

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